Tuesday, 17 May 2016


Religious blackmailers. Oh My Goodness! Where the hell did you come from? Jupiter or Saturn itself, I guess! You keep posting queer messages and pics that drive me craa…zzyy! Arrrgghhh!. You make me feel like finding you and baptizing you myself in the name of the living, One  true God. Even Jesus who is the Son of God did not blackmail human beings. Instead, He told everyone the truth which many  didn’t want to hear. Jesus further encouraged human beings on the importance of private prayer. You don’t have to show people that your praying and God shall surely bless you. These people try to make you feel guilty if you don’t like or comment on their pics or status. Some of these blackmail messages include:

1.                  A naked girl could get millions of likes… Lets see how many likes Jesus can get.

This is usually written when they have posted a pic of Jesus and a nude girl!

2.                  If you love Jesus like and share. If you love satan ignore!!!

Normally this is a conversation between Jesus and satan.

3.                  Type Amen!  And God will give you your heart’s desires. What if your desire is to get wings?

4.                  If you don’t like and share this, then something bad is going to happen to you!

5.                  Share this with 12 people or groups and a miracle will happen to you.

6.                  Deny me in front of friends and I will deny you in front of my father if you don’t like and share this post.

Please, if you’re the type just repent and change. If not, show me where the Bible tells people to do this absurd things in order to receive love, mercies and blessings of God. If you think that the ticket to heaven is like the one you receive at the bus station or at an airport, then am sorry to disappoint you! You’re wrong as hell itself.

Lest I forget, Matatu pastors! Angel Gabriel Please come and save us all. Am sure all of you have experienced these preachers who always board Matatus to preach to people who are minding their own businesses. The other day I was on my way to town when a preacher boarded the bus. I thought he was going to a private service but alas! He stood right next to me and started telling people that God had sent him to come and preach to all those travelling to different places. At that time my head was pounding so hard and I didn’t want to hear any other noise apart from the one coming from the daytime club I was travelling in. To make matters worse, the preacher was giving us the weather instead of the news as he kept on spitting tiny droplets of saliva all over. Have you ever felt like committing a crime but your afraid of going to jail? Well, that was me at the time. After he finished preaching, he prayed. I thought he was going to get off, but instead he said cunningly that even God said that when a preacher finishes his duty he should be given “some water”. Water? like seriously?.  Some people contributed some money, but still he wanted more. I just had to take out a bottle of water from my hand bag and give him! After all, its only "water" he wanted. Right?

The fake miracle workers are another lot of preachers that disgusts me to my core. The gift of healing is very special and if you don’t have it, just don’t use lies in order to have more followers in your church so as to have more offerings. Most people who practice fake preaching and healing argue that it’s better to do what they do instead of engaging in crime. They forget that what they practice is a criminal offence. They contract people to give false testimonies of how God healed them. How do you get healed and you're not sick in the first place? Jesus too said he came for those who were ill and not the healthy ones. Although he never meant it literally, it’s the same thing. Use proper means to earn a livelihood because at the end of the day choices have consequences! I detest these religious blackmailers and forever will..

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